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 Infrastructure and equipment indicators
Data reference period (2) NUTS 2013 (cumulative hierarchy - PT, NUTS I, II, III, CC, FR) - variant 1 (3) Hospitals (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Nature of institution; AnnualPharmacies and mobile medicine depots (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Type of local pharmaceutical unit; AnnualFire brigades (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual (5) Art galleries and others temporary exhibition spaces (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); AnnualCinema screens (2006 methodology - No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); AnnualAutomated teller machines on 31 December (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual (6) Museums (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); AnnualBanks and savings banks establishments (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); AnnualTourist accommodation establishments (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Type (tourist accommodation establishment); Annual
Nature of institutionType of local pharmaceutical unitType (tourist accommodation establishment) (4)
TotalTotalT: Total
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
2023PT: Portugalxxx0x12 5010xx
2022PT: Portugal243 &3 11846597756912 3664242 9177 095
2021PT: Portugal2403 11246590154712 4864193 2666 271
2020PT: Portugal2413 11346583156512 541 *4143 4625 183
2019PT: Portugal2403 11946598958311 6454363 6446 833
2018PT: Portugal2303 1194671 02358711 5704313 9856 868
2017PT: Portugal2253 116 *4661 02457111 8234304 1445 840
2016PT: Portugal2253 085468 *1 03855712 1644044 585x
Hospitals (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Nature of institution; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Hospitals survey
Pharmacies and mobile medicine depots (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Type of local pharmaceutical unit; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Pharmacies statistics
Fire brigades (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Survey entities holding fire brigades
Art galleries and others temporary exhibition spaces (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Art galleries and other spaces of temporary expositions survey
Cinema screens (2006 methodology - No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual - Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual
Automated teller machines on 31 December (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual - SIBS, Credit institutions and financial corporations survey
Museums (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Museums survey
Banks and savings banks establishments (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Credit institutions and financial corporations survey
Tourist accommodation establishments (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Type (tourist accommodation establishment); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Guests stays and other data on hotel activity survey
(1) 2016 data was revised.
(2) In 2017, values for Portugal and for Autonomous Region of Açores do not include values regarding local accommodation in Autonomous Region of Açores given the different methodology applied.
(3) From January 1st, 2015 came into force a new version of NUTS (NUTS 2013). At NUTS II level was just a name change in "Lisboa" which became known as "Área Metropolitana de Lisboa".
(4) Local accommodation with 10 or more beds; with no minimum capacity limit in Autonomous Region of Madeira until 2018.
(5) 1998 - 2006: data from Environment Survey on Fire-Brigades.
2007 - 2010: data from Environment Survey on Fire-Brigades and administrative data from National Authority of Civil Protection.
2011 onwards: data from Survey Entities Holding Fire Brigades and administrative data from National Authority of Civil Protection.
(6) Due to changes in the internal criteria adopted by SIBS, it was necessary to revise the data disclosed, with effects reported to January 2020, justified by the following aspects: the information now covers operations carried out at Automated Teller Machines (ATM) throughout the SIBS network and not only in the Multibanco network; operations in digital/online channels began to be considered; the concept of active point-of-sale (POS) terminal was readjusted; and it became possible to measure more accurately the geographic origin of the operations carried out.

This data last updated:may 15, 2024