Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

International Trade - Exports up by 15.2% and imports down by 0.8%
International trade statistics
International Trade - Exports up by 15.2% and imports down by 0.8% - October 2011
09 December 2011


In the period August to October 2011, exports of goods recorded a 15.2% increase and imports decreased by 0.8% over the same period of 2010, which led to a EUR 1 492 million decrease on the deficit of the trade balance.
When analyzing the trading of goods between Portugal and Greece, a slowdown in the exports towards this European Community partner becomes evident. The bilateral trade balance of goods, which traditionally presented a favorable balance to Portugal, in 2009 still registered a superavit, but since 2010 has shown a deficit. Transactions with Greece, however, have a small weight in the total trade transactions between Portugal and foreign countries.

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