Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist accommodation activity still trending downwards
Tourism activity
Tourist accommodation activity still trending downwards - February 2011
12 April 2011

In the month of February 2011, tourist accommodation establishments registered 1.9 million overnight stays, very close to the number registered on the same month of the previous year (-0.4%). Maintaining the trend of the recent months, overnight stays by residents showed a decrease of 3.1%, while those of non residents, representing 63.2% of the total of overnight stays, had an increase of 1.2%. The markets that contributed the most for this increase were the French, Spanish, Dutch and German.
The total revenue from the activity reached EUR 83.6 million and EUR 54.3 million from accommodation, corresponding to year-on-year decreases of 6.9% and 4%, respectively.

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