Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Freight transport increased by 5.9% in national sea ports.
Passengers transported decreased in inland waterways, rail and air modes.
Transport activities
Freight transport increased by 5.9% in national sea ports. Passengers transported decreased in inland waterways, rail and air modes. - 2nd Quarter 2012
28 August 2012

In the 2nd quarter of 2012, the movement of passengers declined in inland waterways (-15.1%), in heavy railway transport (-11.6%), in light railway systems of Lisbon (-13.1%) and Porto (-3.9%) and in air mode
The freight transport increased only in sea mode (+5.9%), with the emphasis on international traffic. In rail and air transport modes, the tonnage of freight transported declined by 7% and 7.6%, respectively, when compared with the 2nd quarter of 2011.

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