Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Movement of goods decreased in maritime and road transport.Passengers transported downwards in inland waterways and railway mode
Passengers in air transport mode increased.
Transport activities
Movement of goods decreased in maritime and road transport.Passengers transported downwards in inland waterways and railway mode Passengers in air transport mode increased. - 4th Quarter 2012
27 February 2013

Portuguese maritime ports accounted for declines of 13.7% in the number of commercial vessels entered and 5.8% in terms of the total movement of goods (-11.4% in the movement of goods in national traffic and 
-4.8% in international traffic).
The movement of passengers in national airports grew by 3.3%, the highest growth recorded since the 3rd quarter of 2011 (5.0%). The movements of cargo and mail accounted for a 2.0% decline, which contributed for a negative trend in nine consecutive quarters.
The movement of passengers in inland waterways, heavy rail and light railway systems in the 4th quarter 2012 stood below the one recorded in the same period of 2011 (-11.5%, -12.2% and -12.6%, respectively), following the trend of the previous quarters.

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