Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

International Trade - Exports of goods up by 8.4% and imports of goods down by 7.7%
International trade statistics
International Trade - Exports of goods up by 8.4% and imports of goods down by 7.7% - April 2012
11 June 2012

Exports of goods increased by 8.4% and imports of goods decreased by 7.7% in the quarter ended in April 2012, when compared with the period February 2011 through April 2011, which led to a EUR 2 048.4 million decrease on the deficit of the trade balance.
The sharp increase recorded in exports of goods with destination to the Chinese market contributed strongly for the positive performance of exports of goods towards foreign markets in the 1st quarter of 2012, which was mostly due to the growth in exports of Vehicles and other transport equipment. China is now ranking 4th as the biggest destination market for Vehicles and other transport equipment produced in Portugal.

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