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Enterprises indicate current crisis and slowness of the judicial system as major obstacles to their activity
Business Statistics Studies
Economic justice
Enterprises indicate current crisis and slowness of the judicial system as major obstacles to their activity - 2012
29 October 2012

The Portuguese judicial system is perceived by the majority of enterprises as having poor quality in terms of predictability and coherence of the judicial decisions, with low standards resulting from the time spent in decision making. However, when considering the enterprises effectively involved in judicial decisions, the evaluation is less negative, especially with regard to the quality of the decisions.
The economic crisis and the slowness of decision making of courts were the two main aspects identified as obstacles to the activity of enterprises.
Fourteen percent of enterprises have pending judicial actions against themselves, and eight percent of enterprises have pending judicial actions started by their own initiative. In either case, the slowness in decision making is the main reason for concern.
The alternative resolution of litigations is assessed more positively than judicial decisions: same quality for fewer costs and quicker too.
The performance of the regulating entities is viewed more positively by the enterprises already having experienced their services, when compared with the evaluation of enterprises regardless of their experience.
According to the enterprises, legal norms and dispositions are relatively easy to obtain, but difficult in interpretation and unstable.

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