Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Transport of goods increased in national ports but decreased in rail and road modes.
Movement of passengers upwards in airports but downwards in railway and inland waterways
Transport activities
Transport of goods increased in national ports but decreased in rail and road modes. Movement of passengers upwards in airports but downwards in railway and inland waterways - 1st Quarter 2013
16 July 2013

The movement of goods in national maritime ports increased by 3.2% in year-on-year terms (-5.8% in the 4th quarter 2012), as a result of a 6.3% (-4.8% in the 4th quarter 2012) rise in international traffic and a decline of 10.8% in transport between national ports (-11.4% in the 4th quarter 2012).
The movement of passengers in national airports grew by 2.5% vis-à-vis the same quarter of the previous year (+3.3% in the 4th quarter 2012); on the other hand, the movement of cargo and mail decreased by 5.2% (-2.1% in the 4th quarter 2012).
The number of passengers transported was lower in inland waterways (-11.0%), in heavy railway mode
(-13.4%) and light railway systems (-13.9%). Considering the previous quarter these change rates were
-11.5%, -12.2% and -12.6%, respectively.

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