Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Movement of goods keeps growing expressively in ports, also growing in road mode and recovering in railway mode
Movement of passengers rising in airports and reducing in inland waterways and railway
Transport activities
Movement of goods keeps growing expressively in ports, also growing in road mode and recovering in railway mode Movement of passengers rising in airports and reducing in inland waterways and railway - 3rd Quarter 2013
16 January 2014

In the 3rd quarter of 2013 the movement of goods in ports increased by 24.6% (+14.1% in the 2nd quarter). In railway mode, there was a positive change rate of 7.4%, suspending the previous downward trend (-1.9% in the 2nd quarter).
In national airports, there were increases in the movement of commercial aircrafts (+2.7%) and in the number of passengers (+4.7%) but a reduction of 3.1% in cargo and mail (-2.5% in the 2nd quarter).
In road transport of goods, the growth tendency which started in the previous quarter (+9.2%) was maintained throughout the 3rd quarter of 2013, with a 6.0% increase in tons carried.
The transport of passengers declined in inland waterways (-3.4%), in heavy railway (-2.0%) and in Lisbon underground (-10.7%), keeping the trend of the previous quarters, however growing 4.2% in Porto’s underground (in the 2nd quarter the change rates were -1.4%, -3.3%, -11.1% and +4.6%, respectively).

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