Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism accommodation gets benefit from increases in overnight stays by residents and non residents
Tourism activity
Tourism accommodation gets benefit from increases in overnight stays by residents and non residents - November 2013
15 January 2014

In November 2013, tourism accommodation establishments accounted for 2.1 million overnight stays (5.9% more than in November of the previous year and 6.3% more than in October 2013). This outcome resulted from the contributions of both residents (year-on-year change rate of +6.8%) and non residents (+5.4%). The recovery of the internal market is worth mentioning since it recorded a year-on-year decline (-0.9%) in October 2013.
Results from revenue accounted for a positive year-on-year evolution of 5.6% in total revenue and 7.2% in revenue from accommodation (+7.8% and +6.8% in October, respectively).
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