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Globalization indicators reveal international integration of the Portuguese economy
Globalization Statistics
Globalization indicators reveal international integration of the Portuguese economy - 2013
28 March 2014

Between 2008 and 2013, especially from 2010 onwards, the Portuguese economy showed signs of international dynamic, namely with the increase of the level of exports of goods and services (with an average change rate for the period of 3.8%). In 2013, and for the first time in the analysed period, the Portuguese goods and services balance recorded a surplus which represented 1.1% of GDP. The share of exports in GDP increased to 40.8%, surpassing the share of imports in the same year (39.7%). The importance of the main 5 exporters partners - Spain, Germany, France, Angola and the United Kingdom – decreased 4.9 p.p. during the period under analysis. The share of foreign direct investment in GDP grew in the period 2008-2013. In 2012, Portugal ranked 9th position among the EU27 countries, with a FDI intensity of 2.3%.

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