Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Companies belonging to Enterprise Groups were 1.3% of non-financial companies, but contributed with 27,0% to the total value added
Enterprise Groups
Companies belonging to Enterprise Groups were 1.3% of non-financial companies, but contributed with 27,0% to the total value added - 2011
19 December 2013

In 2011, there were 444 enterprise groups in Portugal, of which 62% were multinational groups including foreign entities in their scope of influence. The 444 groups comprised 7.323 participated entities. From those, 4.798 companies belonged to the national business population. Companies belonging to enterprise groups represented only 1.3% of total companies and 13.3% of number of persons employed by non-financial companies. Even so, they accounted for 27% of Gross Value Added (GVA) and 40.7% of the Gross Operating Surplus. Companies belonging to enterprise groups generally showed a higher performance on main economic and financial indicators when compared to other companies, being important to highlight that the GVA per person employed (53.5 thousand Euros) in 2011 more than duplicated the one achieved by all non-financial companies (26.4 thousand Euros).

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