Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism accommodation still growing but at a slower pace for guests and overnight stays
Tourism activity
Tourism accommodation still growing but at a slower pace for guests and overnight stays - February 2014
15 April 2014

Tourism accommodation establishments recorded 2 million overnight stays in February 2014, which stood for +6.5%  compared with the same month of the previous year (+10.1% in January). Overnight stays from non residents contributed the most for this outcome (+8.6%), although growing less than in January (+10.3%). Overnight stays from the internal market grew by 1.9%, considerably less than in the previous month (+9.6%).
Revenue also recorded a positive evolution (+7.3% in total revenue and +7.6% in revenue from accommodation), close to the one of the previous month (+6.4% and +7.6%, respectively).

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