Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Sharp increases in the main indicators of tourism accommodation activity
Tourism activity
Sharp increases in the main indicators of tourism accommodation activity - August 2014
15 October 2014

Tourism accommodation activity establishments recorded 7.1 million overnight stays in August 2014, corresponding to a year-on-year increase  of 11.3% (+9.4% in July). Overnight stays from residents grew by 16.1%, surpassing the growth of July (+15.4%), as well as overnight stays from non residents (+8.6% in August comparing with +6.9% in July).
With regard to the main inbound markets, the positive results of the Brazilian, Belgium and Spanish markets stood out. In the opposite direction, it is worth mentioning the Dutch market (-0.7%).
The bed occupancy rate was 72.4%, above the one of August 2013 (67.8%).
Total revenue grew by 13.8% and revenue from accommodation increased by 13.9%, above the results of the previous month (+10.7% and +12.0%, respectively, in July).
RevPAR was EUR 63.3, having registered a 10.1% growth (+8.4% in July).

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