Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Indicators on tourism accommodation activity still improving but at a slightly slower pace
Tourism activity
Indicators on tourism accommodation activity still improving but at a slightly slower pace - September 2014
14 November 2014

Tourism accommodation activity establishments recorded 5.3 million overnight stays in September 2014, which corresponded to a year-on-year increase  of 9.9% (+11.3% in August). This slight slowdown was due exclusively to the domestic market. Indeed the number of overnight stays from the domestic market grew by 10.5%, less than in August (+16.1%), while the inbound markets recorded a 9.7% increase in overnight stays in September, above the one of the previous month (+8.6%).
Brazil, Belgium and France accounted for noteworthy increases in the number of overnight stays in September, and in the first nine months of the year the emphasis should be put on the increases in overnight stays spent by guests from Belgium (+18.3%), Spain (+16.1%) and France (+15.1%).
In September 2014, the average stay was 3.02 nights (-0.6%) and the bed occupancy rate stood at 57.3% (+3.0 p.p.).
Total revenue increased by 13.3% and revenue from accommodation grew by 14.1%, in line with the preceding month (+13.8% and + 13.9%).
RevPAR was EUR 45.1 and registered an increase of 9.5% (+10.1% in August 2014).

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