Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In Portugal there are 159 cities where around 4.5 million people lived, corresponding to 42% of the total population
Cities: a Statistical Portrait
In Portugal there are 159 cities where around 4.5 million people lived, corresponding to 42% of the total population
31 October 2014

Around 4.5 million people lived in the 159 Portuguese cities, corresponding to 42% of the total population. The seven cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants – Lisboa, Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Amadora, Braga, Funchal and Coimbra – concentrated 14% of the country’s total population.
Based on the 2011 Census final results, Statistics Portugal releases, for the first time in the official statistics website (, statistical data for the characterization of the Portuguese cities. More than 50 indicators regarding population, families, buildings and dwellings are made available, allowing for a comparison of the Portuguese cities’ specificities with the national context.

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