Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Resident population in Portugal with a decreasing and aging trend
World Population Day
Resident population in Portugal with a decreasing and aging trend
10 July 2014

On the occasion of the World Population Day (July 11) Statistics Portugal presents a brief analysis of the evolution and structure of population in Portugal over the last years, as well as of population projections for future years.
Recent demographic trends are characterized by a continuous increase in life expectancy, a decrease in infant mortality, increased emigration, the sharp decline in fertility and the resulting population aging. In addition to the progression of population decline, the changes in the population age structure is expected to accentuate over the coming years, as a result of the combined effect of the decrease in the young population and the increase in the elderly population, and consequently a sharp aggravation of population aging.
According to the most recent Resident Population Estimates, there were 10,427,301 people residing in Portugal on December 31, 2013 − of whom 4,958,020 were men and 5,469,281 were women.
Considering the results in the central scenario of projections of resident population for 2012-2060 Portugal will lose population by 2060, going from the current 10.4 to 8.6 million residents.

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