Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Movement of goods growing in ports and airports but reducing in road freight transport.
Transport of passengers with significant increase in air transport and slight raise in railway systems and inland waterways
Transport activities
Movement of goods growing in ports and airports but reducing in road freight transport. Transport of passengers with significant increase in air transport and slight raise in railway systems and inland waterways - 4th Quarter 2014
14 April 2015

In national ports there were increases of 3.1%1 in the number of vessels, 4.3% in size (GT) of vessels and 10.3% in the tonnage of goods transported which recovered from the decreases occurred in the previous two quarters.
Goods transported by railway increased by 11.5% (+8.7% in Q3), reinforcing the positive evolution in previous quarters and corresponded to a total of 634.2 million of tons-kilometer (+16.7%).
Reversely, road freight carried in heavy road vehicles with a national registration presented a change rate of
-6.2% (-4.4% in Q3).
Keeping the positive evolution in airport activity throughout 2014, in the last quarter of the year there were increases in the movement of aircraft (+5.9%), passengers (+9.9%) and cargo/mail (+10.2%) in the national airports.
Passenger transport by rail (+1.1%), underground (+1.7%) and inland waterways (+0.1%) continued to increase, albeit at a slower pace than in the previous quarter.

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