Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Accommodation activity indicators slow down
Tourism activity
Accommodation activity indicators slow down - April 2015
16 June 2015

Hotel establishments recorded 3.9 million overnight stays in April 2015, resulting on a year-on-year increase  of 0.7%, quite below the result of March (+11.5%). The internal market declined (-4.9%), after having increased in March (+17.9%). The external markets kept a positive evolution (+2.8%), though at a slower pace when compared with the result of March (+9.0%).
The average stay was 2.68 nights (-3.2%) and the occupancy rate stood at 43.4% (-0.4 p.p.).
There were increases of 7.8% in total revenue and 10.9% in revenue from accommodation, less than in the previous month (+14.0% and +15.6%). RevPAR was EUR 32.2 (+8.9% in April, with +11.3% in March).
Results of April 2015 were influenced by the sharp increase of accommodation activity in April 2014, which reflected a calendar effect linked to the Easter celebrations and their proximity with the 25th April national holiday.

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