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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays still increasing. Revenue growth slowed down
Tourism activity
Overnight stays still increasing. Revenue growth slowed down - May 2015
15 July 2015


Hotel establishments recorded 4.6 million overnight stays in May 2015, resulting on a year-on-year increase of 5.8%, above the result of April (+0.7%). The internal market grew by 7.4%, contrary to the result of the preceding month
(-4.9%). The inbound markets strengthened their growing evolution (+5.2% vis-à-vis +2.8% in April). Guests from the two main inbound markets, United Kingdom and Germany, resulted on overnights stays growing 6.5% and 11.7%.
There was a reduction in average stay (-2.1% corresponding to 2.68 nights), contrary to the occupancy rate (48.4%; +1.1 p.p.).
Revenue also recorded increases (+6.5% in total revenue and +7.0% in revenue from accommodation), but less than in April (+7.8% and +10.9%). RevPAR stood at EUR 37.3 (+3.1%).

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