Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays from non residents still growing
Tourism activity
Overnight stays from non residents still growing - June 2015
14 August 2015


Hotel establishments recorded 5.0 million overnight stays in June 2015, resulting on a year-on-year increase of 7.0% (+6.9% in May). Overnight stays from residents recorded a positive evolution (+4.7%) but less than the one of the previous month (+7.8%), while overnight stays from non residents increased more in June when compared with May (+7.9% and +6.6%).
Average stay kept a declining trend (-1.4%, corresponding to 2.90 nights) while the net bed occupancy rate (54.2%) grew by 3.2 p.p.
The evolution of revenue was positive (+14.7% in total revenue and +16.7% in revenue from accommodation), above the two preceding months but close to the growth recorded in the first quarter of 2015.

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