Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Nearly half of the Gross Value Added (GVA) generated by Foreign affiliates in Portugal, corresponded to affiliates which had their decision centre in Spain, France and Germany
Globalization Statistics
Nearly half of the Gross Value Added (GVA) generated by Foreign affiliates in Portugal, corresponded to affiliates which had their decision centre in Spain, France and Germany
29 December 2015


In 2014 there were 5 521 foreign affiliates in Portugal, corresponding to 1.5% of the total non-financial companies (1.6% in 2013), responsible for 23.2% of Turnover (23.3% in 2013) and 21.8% of the GVA (21.9% in 2013) generated by non-financial companies.
Around 75% of the foreign affiliates had their decision centre in one country of the European Union. Spain, once more, controlled the largest number of foreign affiliates operating in Portugal (27.2%). However, in 2014, France was the main country of origin of capital control, holding 17.0% of GVA (EUR 2.6 billion). Spain (16.6%) and Germany (16.2%) were second and third in the ranking.
The foreign affiliates with exporting profile corresponded to 28.3% of the overall foreign affiliates and were responsible for 40.3% of GVA generated in 2014.

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