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Costs of Context  - business perspective: Small and medium enterprises seem to be more sensible to these costs than larger and micro enterprises. Main obstacles are related with the Judicial system, licensing and tax system
Business Statistics Studies
Business costs of context
Costs of Context - business perspective: Small and medium enterprises seem to be more sensible to these costs than larger and micro enterprises. Main obstacles are related with the Judicial system, licensing and tax system - 2015
14 October 2015


The global cost of context indicator, which agregates nine context costs domains,  scored an intermediate value (3.04 on a 1 to 5 scale), having been slightly higher in small and medium companies than in large and micro enterprises. By business sector, companies from accommodation and food services, construction and real estate, manufacturing and agriculture, forestry and fishing, perceived higher-than-average costs of context.
Among the 9 areas of costs of context analyzed, the main constraints to business activity were identified in the judicial system. Licensing and the tax system followed as the most problematic areas, and these three registered the highest values, regardless of the size and business sector of companies.

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