Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Preliminary results for 2016: increases of 5.2% and 11.4% in overnight stays from residents and non residents
Tourism activity
Preliminary results for 2016: increases of 5.2% and 11.4% in overnight stays from residents and non residents - December 2016
15 February 2017


Hotel establishments recorded 1.1 million guests and 2.5 million overnight stays in December 2016, figures that relate to year-on-year increases  of 8.1% and 11.0%, respectively, below the ones of November (+12.9% and +14.9%). Overnights stays of the internal market increased by 5.0%, in line with the outcome of the previous month (+5.3%), while the external markets slowed down (+14.8%) comparing with November (+19.2%), partly influenced by an important international event that occurred in November.
The average stay increased (+2.7%; 2.35 nights), as well as the net bed occupancy rate (+1.7 p.p.; 29.8%).
Results from revenue were expressive (+15.1% in total revenue and +16.1% in revenue from accommodation) although slowing down (+24.1% and +26.6% in November).
Considering the year 2016 as a whole (preliminary data), hotel establishments recorded 19.1 million guests and 53.5 million overnight stays, corresponding to increases of 9.8% and 9.6% respectively (+8.1% and +6.5% in 2015). The internal market contributed with 15.2 million overnight stays (+5.2%) and the external markets with 38.3 million (+11.4%). Non resident guests accounted for 71.5% of total overnight stays (70.4% in the previous year). Total revenue increased by 17.0% and revenue from accommodation by 18.0%, overcoming the previous year's growth (+13.0% and +14.7% in 2015).

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