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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism trips of residents increased in the 4th quarter and in the year 2016, but with decelleration
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourism trips of residents increased in the 4th quarter and in the year 2016, but with decelleration - 4th Quarter 2016
02 May 2017


In the 4th quarter 2016, residents in Portugal made 4.4 million tourist trips, which stood for a 6.2% increase vis-à-vis the 4th Q 2015  (9.6% in the 3rd Q 2016). Short term trips increased by 11.4% (11.8% in the 3rd Q 2016) and corresponded to 80.7% of the total trips. Domestic trips grew by 6.2% (9.9% in the 3rd Q 2016) and represented 90.9% of the total.
“Visit to relatives or friends” was the main reason behind 2.6 million trips (59.4% of the total, -1.4 p.p., from -1.7 p.p. in the 3rd Q). “Leisure, recreation or holidays” as a motivation to travel accounted for 1.2 million trips (28.1% of the total, +4.1 p.p.) and “professional or business” reasons triggered 364.1 thousand trips (8.2% weight, -3.1 p.p.).
With 85.7% of all overnight stays, "free private accommodation" increased its representativeness (+1.5 p.p., following +2.1 p.p. in the 3rd Q). With 11.0% of overnight stays, "hotels and similar accommodation” lost importance (-1.2 p.p.) as in the preceding quarter (-1.1 p.p. in the 3rd Q).
In the year 2016, 20.05 million tourist trips were made, reflecting an increase of 4.7% (7.0% in 2015). The main reason to travel was the "visit to relatives or friends", which originated 8.81 million trips (43.9%, -0.9 p.p.), followed closely by "leisure, recreation or holiday", with 8.78 million trips (43.8%, +1.6 p.p.).

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