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Transport activity: Preliminary results for 2017
Transport activities
Transport activity: Preliminary results for 2017 - 4th Quarter 2017
23 March 2018


In 2017, passengers transported by air increased by 16.4%, reinforcing the evolution of the previous year (+14.3% in 2016). By heavy railway, there was an increase of 5.9% and by underground a 5.6% rise (+2.7% and +5.3%, in the same order, in 2016).
In relation to the movement of goods, in 2017 there were increases in ports (+1.4%), at airports (+19.1%), by road (+6.3%) and by rail (+2.4%). In the previous year there were variations of +5.1%, +1.9%, -4.0% and -6.3%, in the same order.
In the 4th quarter 2017, the national airports registered a movement of 11.9 million passengers, resulting in an increase of 12.5% (+14.7% in Q3). Passengers carried by rail and underground also continued to increase (+4.5% and +2.9%, respectively, after +6.3% and +3.8% in Q3).
The movement of goods in ports totalled 21.9 million tons in the 4th quarter, decreasing 6.6%, after +0.2% in Q3.
The goods transported registered acceleration in the 4th quarter both by rail (+8.3%, compared to +7.1% in Q3, totalling 2.8 million tonnes) and by road (+5.5%, after +3.8% in Q3, totalling 37.4 million tonnes).

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