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Air transport of passengers and cargo/mail with remarkable increases. Goods transport recovering in railway transport
Transport activities
Air transport of passengers and cargo/mail with remarkable increases. Goods transport recovering in railway transport - 3rd Quarter 2017
22 December 2017


In the 3rd quarter 2017, the movement of passengers in national airports corresponded to 16.9 million, growing by 14.7%  (+20.6% in the 2nd Q). The number of passengers using the train and the underground increased by 6.3% and 3.8%, respectively (+6.6% and +3.7% in the 2nd Q).
Goods handled in maritime ports increased by 0.5% after growing by 2.0% in the 2nd quarter.
The transport of goods by railway increased by 7.1% in tonnes and by 11.6% in tonnes-kilometer, a reversal of the respective 5.7% and 3.1% declines recorded in the 2nd Q.
Road freight transport grew at a slower pace in the 3rd quarter (+2.9%) in comparison with the previous one (+4.2%), considering tonnes transported.

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