Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism accommodation activity continues to grow
Tourism activity
Tourism accommodation activity continues to grow - February 2018
13 April 2018


Hotels and similar establishments recorded 1.2 million guests and 2.9 million overnight stays in February 2018, figures that relate to year-on-year change rates of +6.5% and +6.2%, accelerating vis-à-vis January (+3.7% and +4.9%, respectively). Overnight stays of the internal market increased by 7.6% (+5.6% in January) and those from the external markets grew by 5.6% (+4.6% in January).
The average stay (2.56 nights) decreased by 0.3% (+2.0% in the case of residents and -1.6% for non residents). The net bed occupancy rate (37.2%) increased by 1.8 p.p.
Revenue decelerated slightly with total revenue having increased by 11.6% (+12.1% in January), ascending to EUR 152.7 million. Revenue from accommodation increased by 12.0% (+13.6% in January) totalling EUR 106.0 million.

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