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Number of tourism trips of residents keep growing at a slower pace, with a decrease in trips abroad
Tourism Demand of Residents
Number of tourism trips of residents keep growing at a slower pace, with a decrease in trips abroad - 3rd Quarter 2018
31 January 2019


In the 3rd quarter 2018, residents in Portugal took a total of 7.8 million trips, which stood for a slight 0.1% increase (+2.1% in the 2nd Q; +12.1% in the 1st Q). Domestic trips grew by 0.3% (+0.1% in the 2nd Q), standing for 90.0% of the total, while the number of trips abroad declined in this period: -1.3% (following +18.1% in the 2nd Q and +14.9% in the 1st Q).
“Leisure, recreation or holidays” was the main reason to travel, corresponding to 4.8 million trips (the equivalent to 61.1% of the total, i.e. +0.8 p.p.), followed by “visit to relatives or friends” with 2.5 million trips (31.6% of the total, -1.2 p.p.). “Professional or business” trips attained 4.6% of the total (+0.8 p.p.).
“Hotel and similar establishments”, the choice for 20.4% of the total overnight stays, became more relevant (+2.2 p.p.). Conversely, “free private accommodation” lost representativeness (-1.4 p.p.), although having been chosen for the majority (60.5%) of the total overnight stays in the 3rd quarter 2018.

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