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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays from non residents keep on reducing trend
Tourism activity
Overnight stays from non residents keep on reducing trend - August 2018
15 October 2018


Hotels and similar establishments registered 2.5 million guests and 7.7 million overnight stays in August 2018, corresponding to year-on-year change rates  of +0.4% and -1.9% (-2.2% and -2.5% in July, respectively). Overnight stays of residents grew by 4.4%, while those of non residents decreased by 4.9% (+2.2% and -4.5% in July, respectively). With these results, the overnight stays from residents and non residents in the period from January to August 2018, registered, respectively, change rates of +3.7% and -2.2%, in view of the same period of 2017.
The average stay (3.13 nights) had a 2.2% reduction (+0.3% in the case of residents and -3.0% regarding non residents).
The net bed occupancy rate (73.8%) declined by 2.0 p.p.
Total revenue decelerated to a 3.5% growth (-1.9 p.p. in view of the raise in July) and amounted to EUR 522.5 million. Revenue from accommodation also grew by 3.5% (-2.7 p.p. in comparison with the increase in July), ascending to EUR 408.4 million.

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