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Deceleration in passengers by air transport and reduction in the movement of goods by maritime mode
Transport activities
Deceleration in passengers by air transport and reduction in the movement of goods by maritime mode - 3rd Quarter 2018
19 December 2018


In the 3rd quarter of 2018, passengers at national airports amounted to 17.6 million, representing a 4.3% growth (after +6.9% in 2Q). In terms of railways, there were again increases in passenger transport by heavy rail (+3.7%, +4.2% in 2Q) and by light rail systems (+3.7%, after +5.3% in 2Q). Inland waterway passenger transport increased by 3.3% (+1.0% in 2Q).
In national maritime ports, the number and size/GT of entry vessels decreased by 2.5% and by 0.4%, respectively (+0.2% and +5.1% in 2Q), together with a decrease of 2.1% in goods handled (+1.7% in 2Q), both in loading (-0.2%) and in unloading (-3.3%).
Rail freight transport decelerated to +2.5% (after +8.2% in 2Q) and amounted to 2.7 million tonnes. Road freight transport in tonnes increased by 0.5% (-4.1% in the previous quarter), evolution also recorded in terms of ton-km.

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