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Passengers transport with acceleration during the last quarter of the year but slowing down in 2018
Transport activities
Passengers transport with acceleration during the last quarter of the year but slowing down in 2018 - 4th Quarter 2018
22 March 2019


In the 4th quarter 2018, passengers at national airports amounted to 12.6 million, representing a 6.2% growth (+4.3% in 3Q). There were also increases in passenger rail transport, both by heavy rail (+5.0%; +3.7% in 3Q) and by light rail systems (+5.1%, after +3.7% in 3Q). Inland waterways passenger transport grew by 7.2% (+3.3% in 3Q).
The national maritime ports registered reductions in the number (-6.5%) and gross tonnage (-0.6%) of vessels (-2.5% and -0.4% in 3Q, respectively), along with a 2.4% decrease in goods handled (-2.1% in 3Q).
Rail freight transport fell by 8.4% to 2.6 million tonnes, despite a growth in transport volume (+1.4% in tonnes-km). There was a 1.8% increase in road freight transport (+0.9% tonnes in 3Q), with national transport outstanding (+5.1%; +0.3% in 3Q).
Preliminary results for 2018 show an increase in air traffic in terms of passengers (+6.8%), but slowing down compared to the previous year (+16.2% in 2017). In heavy rail, light rail and inland waterways transport, slowdowns were also observed, but more slightly: +4.0%, +3.7% and +3.3% in 2018, respectively, following +6.0%, +5.1% and +5.5% in the previous year, in the same order.
In relation to freight transport, in 2018 there were increases in the number of tonnes handled at airports (+5.1%) and by road (+0.1%) and stabilisation by railway, corresponding to decelerations in relation to the increases registered in 2017 (+19.2%, +6.1% and +2.0%, respectively). In the maritime ports activity, there was a decrease of 3.2%, after a 2.2% rise in the previous year.

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