Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Overnight stays increasing concerning residents and reducing as regards non residents
Tourism activity
Overnight stays increasing concerning residents and reducing as regards non residents - March 2019
15 May 2019


The tourism accommodation sector registered 1.8 million guests and 4.5 million overnight stays in March 2019, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of +3.5% and -0.2%, respectively (+2.5% and -1.5% in February, in the same order). Overnight stays of residents increased by 4.8% (-3.8% in February) and those of non residents reduced by 2.2% (-0.5% in the preceding month). These results were influenced by different months of celebration periods between both years, by on side benefiting from the Carnival in March 2019 (in the previous year in February), but, on the other side, under the adverse base effect of the Easter in March 2018 (celebrated in April during the current year).
In March 2019, the average stay (2.48 nights) declined by 3.6% (-3.0% as regards residents and -2.5% for non residents).
The net bed occupancy rate (38.8%) decreased by 1.8 p.p. in March (-1.5 p.p. in February).
Revenue slowed down, with total revenue increasing by 3.1% (+4.2% in February) and reaching EUR 246.8 million. Revenue from accommodation (EUR 176.2 million) grew by 1.4% (+2.3% in February).

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