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Tourism activity continues to grow, but with less intensity, with some signs of deceleration
Tourism activity
Tourism activity continues to grow, but with less intensity, with some signs of deceleration - September 2019
15 November 2019


The tourism accommodation sector registered 2.9 million guests and 7.6 million overnight stays in September 2019, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of +5.2% and +3.3% respectively (+6.7% and +2.9% in August 2019, in the same order). Overnight stays of residents grew by 4.4% (+3.6% in August) and those of non-residents increased by 2.9% (+2.5% in the preceding month).
In September 2019, the average stay (2.64 nights) decreased by 1.8% (+0.7% as regards residents and -3.0% for non residents).
The net bed occupancy rate (57.1%) declined by 1.9 p.p. (-2.2 p.p. in August).
Revenue decelerated to +6.7% (+7.3% in August) to a total of EUR 498.7 million. Revenue from accommodation (EUR 378.5 million) grew by 6.4% (+7.1% in the preceding month).
The average revenue per available room (RevPAR) stood at EUR 66.0 and corresponded to a 1.2% increase (+1.7% in the previous month) and the average daily rate (ADR) reached EUR 97.5, keeping the growth rate of the preceding month (+3.0%).

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