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Tourism activity boosted by the external markets in December. 2019 preliminary results point to an acceleration in guests and overnight stays
Tourism activity
Tourism activity boosted by the external markets in December. 2019 preliminary results point to an acceleration in guests and overnight stays - December 2019
14 February 2020


In December 2019, the tourism accommodation sector registered 1.6 million guests and 3.5 million overnight stays, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of +10.2% and +8.2%, respectively (+12.6% and +7.4% in November 2019, in the same order). Overnight stays of residents grew by 4.6% (+14.7% in November) and those of non-residents increased by 10.4% (+4.3% in the preceding month).
In December 2019, the average stay (2.23 nights) decreased by 1.8% (-0.4% in the case of residents and -4.5% for non-residents). The net bed occupancy rate (31.2%) increased by 0.9 p.p. (+0.2 p.p. in November).
Total revenue increased by 9.6% (+10.3% in November) attaining EUR 205.8 million. Revenue from accommodation stood at EUR 141.1 million, growing by 9.9% (+9.5% in the preceding month).
The average revenue per available room (RevPAR) increased by 5.0% to EUR 27.9 (+3.0% in the preceding month). The average daily rate (ADR) reached EUR 73.3, increasing by 1.6% (+0.9% in the preceding month).
When considering the whole year 2019 (preliminary data), the tourism accommodation establishments registered 27.0 million guests and 69.9 million overnight stays, corresponding to year-on-year growth rates of 7.3% and 4.1% respectively (+5.3% and +3.2% in 2018). The internal market contributed with 21.1 million overnight stays (+6.2%; +6.9% in 2018) and the external markets were responsible for 48.8 million overnight stays (+3.3%; +1.8% in 2018). The total revenue increased by 7.3% and revenue from accommodation grew by 7.1% (+8.3% and +9.3% in 2018). The average revenue per available room (RevPAR) increased by 2.0% and stood at EUR 49.4 (+3.8% in 2018). The average daily rate (ADR) reached EUR 88.7, which stood for an increase of 1.9% (+0.8% in 2018).
The United Kingdom remained the main inbound market in 2019, representing 19.2% of total overnight stays from non-residents. This year, British guests increased by 5.9% (-2.7% in 2018) and overnight stays grew by 1.5% (-5.4% in 2018).

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