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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourism accommodation sector grew but at a slower pace
Tourism statistics
Tourism accommodation sector grew but at a slower pace - 2018
02 August 2019


Concerning to 2018, estimations show that the number of non-resident tourists arriving in Portugal reached 22.8 million, corresponding to a growth of 7.5% compared to 2017. This increase is lower than the one estimated for the previous year (+16.6%). Spain remained as the main inbound market (share of 25.4%).
When considering the tourism accommodation sector in 2018, the number of guests amounted to 25.2 million and overnight stays stood at 67.7 million, corresponding to increases of 5.1% and 3.1%, respectively (+12.9% and +10.8%, by the same order, in 2017). Hotel activity concentrated 81.0% of guests and 83.6% of overnight stays, followed by local accommodation (shares of 15.6% and 13.8%, respectively) and the tourism in rural areas/lodging (3.4% and 2.6%, in the same order). The domestic market generated 19.9 million overnight stays (29.4% of the total) and grew by 6.5% in 2018 (+7.3% in 2017). Overnight stays of the external markets (70.6% of the total) grew significantly less (+1.8%) than the previous year (+12.2%) and reached 47.8 million.
In 2018, residents in Portugal made a total of 22.1 million tourism trips, increasing by 4.2% (+5.0% in 2017 and +5.4% in 2016). The number of trips taken within the national territory amounted to 19.6 million, increasing by 3.2% (+4.1% in the previous year). Trips abroad (2.5 million) represented 11.3% of the total, having increased by 13.3% (+13.1% in 2017).

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