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2018 environmental state developments present contradictory signs
Environment statistics
2018 environmental state developments present contradictory signs - 2018
20 December 2019


Positive aspects
 Normal year in climatic terms (temperature and precipitation);
 Improvement of bathing water quality;
 Improvement of air quality and decrease of inhalable particle concentration;
 Decrease of primary energy consumption and increase of electricity production from renewable sources;
 Fewer fires and burnt area, reinforced patrols and more preventive actions;
 Reinforcement of the allocation of Environmental Funds under the PT 2020.
Negative aspects
 Decreased resource productivity;
 More cars in circulation and increasing average age.
Positive / Negative Aspects
 Increased deviation from 2020 target for waste landfilling ; increase in relative and absolute terms of waste recycling;
 Increased rate of waste preparation for reuse and recycling and decreased efficiency of waste management.

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Press release
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