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60% decrease in sweet cherry yield
Agricultural forecasts
60% decrease in sweet cherry yield - May 2020
19 June 2020


Early estimates, on May 31, point to a disappointing stone fruit campaign, particularly in sweet cherry, where a 60% decrease in yield is expected (vis-à-vis 2019), but also in peach, whose yield will be around 9.1 tonnes per hectare (20% less, compared with previous campaign). These reductions are a consequence of very adverse weather conditions on spring, namely heavy rains that occurred in sensitive periods of the cycle of these crops. On the other hand, in winter cereals, a general increase in yields is estimated (+10% in common wheat and triticale and +15% in durum wheat, barley and oats).
As for summer crops, a 10% reduction in the rice area is foreseen, as a result of the ongoing rehabilitation works of the Vale do Sado hydro-agricultural operation, which led to the interruption of the water supply to about 3 thousand hectares of rice fields. In grain maize, potatoes and tomatoes for processing, the areas installed should be similar to those of the previous campaign, while in sunflower there should be a reduction (-15%), following the trend observed in the last five years. It should be noted that the pressure of fungal diseases has been intense, leading to the intensification of phytosanitary treatments in most crops.


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