Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Old age and health care accounted for more than 70% of the total of Social Protection benefits granted
Social protection
Old age and health care accounted for more than 70% of the total of Social Protection benefits granted - 2006
03 December 2008

In 2006, social protection schemes expenditures corresponded to 40 482 million of euros, reflecting an increase of 4,1% in relation to 2005.
Concerning risk coverage, old age and health care social protection functions absorbed more than 70% of the total of benefits granted. Social exclusion function showed the biggest rise between the whole set of functions in the system, with 14,8% in relation to 2005.
The system was financed by a total of receipts of 42 339 millions of euros, corresponding to a increase of 4,5% in relation to 2005. General government contributions accounted for 43,0% of the total of receipts, while the employers’ social contributions and social contributions by the protected persons represented 30,0% and 14,1%, respectively.

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