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European Statistics Competition 2020 video winners
European Statistics Competition
European Winners
European Statistics Competition 2020 video winners
07 September 2020


The Competition organizers, Eurostat and National Statistical Offices of the participant countries, are pleased to announce the results of the European Statistics Competition (ESC) 2020, which was held in the school year 2019-2020.
Over 17 000 students from 17 countries signed up for the third edition of this statistical literacy competition.
After a tough national phase, the winning teams in each participating country were invited to make a two-minute video on the topic 'Young people in Europe'. Using official statistics, contestants had to demonstrate which issues young people in their country or region face. In spite of the extra challenges brought by the Covid19 pandemic, the students produced some really amazing videos.
A jury of European experts assessed the 57 submissions to choose the top videos in both the age group 14-16 (27 submissions) and the age group 16-18 (30 submissions).

More information about ESC2020;


Press release
Download the document PDF (1086 Kb)