Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

The number of deaths by covid-19 surpassed the increase of deaths between November 30th and December 27th compared to the average of the last 5 years
Deaths by week
Preliminary data 2020 - Weeks 1 to 52
The number of deaths by covid-19 surpassed the increase of deaths between November 30th and December 27th compared to the average of the last 5 years
08 January 2021


Between March 2nd, when the first cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in Portugal, and December 27th, there were 99,356 deaths in the national territory, an increase of 12,852 deaths in 2020 when compared to the average number of deaths during the same period over the past five years. Of these deaths, 52.0% (6,677) were due to COVID-19. In the last 4 weeks (November 30th to December 27th) there were 1,884 more deaths than the average. In these weeks, there were 2,172 registered deaths from COVID-19, 15.3% more than the increase compared to the average of the same weeks of 2015-2019.
Of the total deaths recorded between March 2nd and December 27th 49,453 were of men and 49,903 were of women, an increase of 5,833 and 7,019 deaths, respectively, compared to the average of deaths observed in the same period between 2015-2019.
More than 70% of deaths were of people aged 75 years or over. Compared to the average observed in the same 2015-2019 period, another 10,886 people aged 75 and over died, of which 8,038 were aged 85 and over.
The largest increases occurred more frequently in the region Norte, followed by the region Área Metropolitana de Lisboa.
Of the total deaths recorded between March 2nd and December 27th 2020, 60,024 occurred in a hospital and 39,332 outside a hospital, corresponding to an increase of 5,650 deaths and 7,202 deaths, respectively, when compared to the average number of deaths in the same 2015-2019 period. In that period, 56.0% of the increase of deaths occurred outside a hospital. However, since week 44 (October 26th to November 1st), the greatest increase in deaths occurred in hospitals.

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