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Consumer confidence and economic climate indicators decrease
Business and consumer surveys
Consumer confidence and economic climate indicators decrease - November 2021
29 November 2021


The Consumer confidence indicator decreased in October and November, significantly in the last month, after increasing in the two previous months.

The economic climate indicator  decreased in November, presenting an irregular behavior since July. Confidence indicators decreased in November in Construction and Public Works and in Trade, significantly in the former case. The confidence indicator increased in November in Manufacturing Industry, reversing the decrease observed in the previous month, and in Services, extending the increase of the previous month. 

The balance of Consumer expectations regarding the future evolution of prices increased in the last three months, significantly in October and November, recording the maximum value of the last ten years.

The expectations of entrepreneurs about the future evolution of selling prices reached the maximum value of the respective series in Construction and Public Works and in Trade, while in Manufacturing Industry attained the highest value since November 1990. The balance of expectations regarding the evolution of the charged prices of Services approached the maximum of the series registered in November 2005.

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