Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Quarterly national accounts for institutional sectors
Quarterly National Sector Accounts
Quarterly national accounts for institutional sectors - 4th Quarter 2008
31 March 2009

Statistics Portugal publishes the fourth quarter of the quarterly national accounts for institutional sectors, and preliminary data of 2008 by institutional sector.
In 2008, the net borrowing of the economy continued to increase, reaching 10,2% of gross domestic product (GDP). This was mainly due to the growth of the net lending of the Non-financial corporations sector.
The net borrowing of Households and Non-profit Institutions Serving Households, increased slightly. This increase was especially significant in the fourth quarter.
The net borrowing of the General Government was almost the same  as the one observed in the previous year. Nevertheless, there was a decrease of the gross saving of this sector.
In annex there are summary tables of the data.

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