Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Exports up by 12.8% and Imports up by 4.1%
Extra-community trade statistics
Exports up by 12.8% and Imports up by 4.1% - September 2007
09 November 2007

From January to September 2007, exports grew by 12.8% and the imports by 4.1%, giving rise to a decrease of 7.8% in the deficit of the trade balance with Third Countries.In this period, in exports the major increases were recorded in Transport equipment and accessories (31.1%) and Capital goods (24.3%). On the other hand the highest growths in imports were registered in Food and beverages (25.2%), Transport equipment and accessories (16.8%) and Industrial supplies (13.5%). The group of Fuels and lubricants registered a sharply decline in imports and in exports.
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