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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Transport Activity with slight improvement
Transport activities
Transport Activity with slight improvement - 4th Quarter 2009
26 February 2010

In the fourth quarter of 2009 the movement of passengers travelling through national airports increased by 3.4% when compared with the previous year, totalling 5.9 million. In heavy rail mode a downward trend (-2.5%) persisted in the movement of passengers, in the months of October and November. The transport of passengers by light railway and inland waterway modes had positive variations of +0.7% and +0.1%, respectively. The transport of goods registered a positive variation rate, compared to the previous year, in maritime (+0.7%) and air (+5.8%) modes, and a fall (-1.4%) in heavy rail mode. In the 3rd quarter of 2009, the road freight transport totalled 62 647 thousands tonnes (-14.4% compared with 2008).

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