Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Hotel activity with less negative results in overnight stays and income
Tourism activity
Hotel activity with less negative results in overnight stays and income - October 2009
15 December 2009


In October 2009, hotel activity registered 3.2 million of overnight stays, accounting for a year-on-year downturn of 5.5%, compared with October 2008. For these results non residents contributed mainly with a downturn of 8.1%, while residents rose 0.6%.
Total income from hotel activity reached 153.4 million Euros and income from hotel occupancy 102 million Euros, both corresponding to decreases of 9%.
In the last five years, 96 new hotels began to operate in Portugal. In 2008, overnight stays in hotels accounted for approximately 75% of the total of overnights spent in all hotel establishments. Nearly 70% of overnights spent in hotels occurred in the regions of Lisbon, Algarve and Madeira.

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