Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In 2022, 83,915 live birhs were registered, 5.2% more than in 2021
Vital Statistics
Monthly data
In 2022, 83,915 live birhs were registered, 5.2% more than in 2021 - January 2023
17 February 2023


In January 2023, the number of deaths was 11,887, lower than the number registered in December 2022 (423 less deaths; -3.4%), but higher than that recorded in January 2022 (130 more deaths; +1.1%). In this month, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 decreased to 232 (49 less deaths than in December 2022), accounting for 2.0% of all deaths. Compared with January 2022, there was a decrease of 772 deaths due to COVID-19.

In December 2022, 7,102 children were born alive, corresponding to an increase of 2.5% compared to December 2021 (6,926). The total number of live births registered in 2022 (83,915) was higher than the value observed in 2021 (79,795), representing a further 4,120 (+5.2%) live births, although lower than the number of live births registered in 2019 (87,026) and 2020 (84,796).

In December 2022, the natural balance was -5,194, worsening in relation to the same month of 2021, when it reached the value of -4,519. In 2022, the cumulative value of the natural balance was -40,703, registering an improvement from the value registered in 2021 (-45,220), but worsening when compared with the same period of 2019 (-25,264) and 2020 (-38,866).

In December 2022, 2,248 marriages were celebrated, corresponding to an increase of 6.5% compared to the number of marriages held in December 2021 (138 more marriages). In 2022, 36,946 marriages were celebrated, 7,889 more (+27.2%) than in 2021. This figure exceeded the number of marriages celebrated in 2019 (33,272), before the COVID-19 Pandemic, representing a further 3,674 marriages.

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