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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Purchasing power above the national average in 31 out of the 308 municipalities
Study on the municipal purchasing power
Purchasing power above the national average in 31 out of the 308 municipalities - 2021
07 November 2023


In 2021, the per capita purchasing power revealed in municipalities in Portugal was higher than the national average in 31 out of the 308 municipalities. Most of these 31 municipalities were in the two metropolitan areas of Lisboa (10 out of 18 municipalities) and Porto (5 out of 17). Lisboa, Oeiras e Porto registered the highest values. Besides these municipalities, also those coinciding with capitals of administrative districts stood out, namely, Coimbra, Aveiro, Faro e Évora.

Only 23 municipalities concentrated 50% of the national purchasing power. Overall, the two metropolitan areas concentrated more than half (51%) of the purchasing power, despite comprising 44,5% of the country's population.

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