Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Regional accounts
Regional accounts
Regional accounts - 2004
24 July 2007


In 2004, the Autonomous Region of Madeira (4,1%), the Autonomous Region of Azores (2,2%), Lisbon (2,2%) and Centro (1,9%) presented higher growth rates in Gross Domestic Product in real terms face to national growth (1,5%). The remaining regions observed increases in volume below national average - Norte, Alentejo and Algarve, with 0,9%, 0,4% and 0%, respectively. The annual nominal variation of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (national level) was 2,7%. Several NUTS II regions have contributed to that increase, namely Autonomous Region of Madeira, Alentejo, Centro and Norte. Quality of life, when measured by Household Disposable Income per capita, shows its highest level in Lisbon (28% above national value) and the lowest in Norte (16% bellow national average).

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