Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

IN 2008, regional economies have grown at different rates
Regional accounts
IN 2008, regional economies have grown at different rates - 2008
16 December 2009

In 2008 and in real terms, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown higher than the national average (0,0) in the Azores (2.3%), Centro (0.5%) and Madeira (0.6%), while the remaining regions have registered a decrease, more relevant in the Algarve (- 0.5%) and less significant in the Norte and Lisbon (- 0.1%). In nominal terms, regional GDP grew above the national average  in the Norte (2.7%) and Madeira (2.6%), had a similar increase to the national average in Lisbon (2.1%) and show a smaller growth  to the national growth in the NUTS II regions Centro (2.0%), Algarve (1.3%), Azores (1.6%) and Alentejo, which has even registered region a light decrease (- 0.2%).

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